Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's For Dinner: Fear or Us?

Chapter 56 focuses on fear. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."- FDR Write about it.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Normally, I would quote a passage from Life of Pi to make my point. However, for this chapter, I found myself wanting to quote the while chapter. After all, it is only two pages. But he makes a good point. Fear encompasses our lives and dictates what we do. For example, I used to have a fear of thunder, lightning, and BULLFROGS. In the summer, outside my window at night, you can hear thousands of bullfrogs and crickets chirping every night. According to my mom, I used to be terrified by the noise. I have since overcome that fear. Now, the bullfrogs are my best friends. I LOVE to listen to them crocking each night in the summertime. That is one thing I will definitely miss when I leave for college. The sound is soothing.

Wow, I got off topic! The point is that fear can be overcome. But, like Pi says, "it's life's only true opponent." If left unconquered, it will overcome YOU, and you'll never be able to face match it's ferocity. The question is: what are you going to do about it? Will you let fear eat you up, or will fear be YOUR main entree?