Saturday, October 06, 2007

Change: For Better or Worse

What makes humans move? To up and turn away from everything they know, love, and cherish? To leave friends and neighbors behind? What is the drive?


Katie said...

Piscine says, "The answer is the same the world over: people move in the hope of a better life." But is it really that simple? No. I believe that people don't move to find a better life, but rather a different one. For example, you live in a nice house, your kids go to a neighborhood school with all their friends, and you're satisfied with your job. But suddenly your place of employment closes, and you find yourself jobless. You search around and find a place willing to hire you but in another state, so you move. But you're not moving to find a better life. You had a great life. Why try to find one which is better? No, you move to start a new, different life. You hope it will be at least as good as your old one, but you aren't moving in hopes of getting a better one.

That of course is not the only reason for moving. You could want a change in scenery, be kicked out for not paying your monthly rent, change apartments because your allergic to the smell of your neighbor. In each situation, there are pros and cons to the lifestyle in which you currently live. To move is to change the order of the pros and cons list. Not better, just different.

julietoa said...

"Whatever the reason for wanting to escape, sane or insane, zoo detractors should realize that animals don't escape TO SOMETHING but FROM SOMETHING. Something within their territory has frightened them-the intruison of an enemy, the assault of a dominant animal, a startling noise-and set off a flight reaciotn. The animal flees, or tries to."
I think this quote has a lot of significance. This part was way back in the story before Pi's family decides to move to Canada; I'm pretty sure the author wanted us to make a connection. Pi's family wants to leave India because of the new government. The zoo buisness isn't getting enough income because of this new government system so they pack up and run away for a better life. In this case the family is running away from something just like the animals in the quote. Again, human vs. animal nature. If the environment/government hadn't changed, Pi's family wouldn't have moved. The entire family loved India but they had to escape when the NEW BAD government system came into being. Also, i could be wrong, but i think there's some forshadowing involved. When the author says "The animal flees, OR TRIES TO," he could be talking about Pi's family not making it. They die in the Pacific ocean while trying to escape to Canada.

Katie said...

Nice job. I like the quote you used. The point about the BIG BAD government scaring them away hadn't even occured to me. I like your thought about the foreshadowing. Very interesting point.